Thursday, April 12, 2012

Short Story_The Visitor_ and Identities

I have just finished a second draft of Part III of The Visitor, a short story in three parts. There needs to be another draft, with tweaks for all three parts. Then I will merge the story into one and create a short ebook of it. Having come this far with a first short story draft, shared publicly, I feel no need for the pen name I used at first.

Identity, Religion, and Politics. Three of the most powerful forces to bring people together or to pull people apart. How do we deal with dividers that people use to stir up hate or to show love, to stir up revenge or to show forgiveness? 

The Visitor is a story of identity and all that follows and can influence religion and politics, among others. It is the story of a special friendship that follows generations. The results years later include family memories and differences in next generation members. Elizabeth's mother and Ruth's granddaughter represent on-going matters that crop up unexpectedly. A divide that in modern history looks like an accordion at times, with its widening and narrowing, has touched the lives of Elizabeth's mother in an East coast state and Catherine's family in Atlanta.  
If you finished the story, do you know the identity of Catherine and of Elizabeth and her mother? Can you tell? For sure? Imagine it in different ways, from different angles. Could Elizabeth's mother, who was Catherine's grandmother's best friend, and Catherine share an identity that Elizabeth does not share, outwardly? 

Identity characteristics of differences were intentionally not included and should not be assumed from language/syntax or expressions. Also, Catherine is not necessarily a name chosen primarily by parents of any background other than English-speaking, as well as French; the same is true for the name Elizabeth.  

Copyright 2012 by Jean Purcell
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