Thursday, March 8, 2012

Story-Writing_Getting Started on The Visitor

by Alec Powers

A few days ago, I finished the opening parts of The Visitor, a short story for Opinari Writers blog. After I promised a second installment, I began to work on it, continuing to write in the voice of an older woman.

The story has an outline. I have main characters, contexts, motivations, story-line, and a mystery behind the bizarre behavior of the visitor. 

Now the challenge takes me toward readers while leaving them in the dark, putting some facts in the light of day. I do not intend to make solving the case too easy.

The main challenges of telling every story, whatever it's about, is building interest and suspense. It turns out that my story involves the Islands, England, Nordic heritage, to mention a few, but the location of the interactions does not change much.

For The Visitor, I don't intend to need shelves of research books. There will be some, but not intensive. I don't want to bog down in details. For now I've committed myself and will go forward.

You likely know what makes a story keep you glued to the pages if the subject can grab you.

Good-bye for now.  

Copyright 2012 by Alec Powers 
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