Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Resources to Share: As Spring approaches, so does the season of Lent

JW BibleImage by mtsofan via Flickr
For God so loved the world that he gave 
his only begotten Son 
that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish 
but have everlasting life. 
John 3:16. 

A few resources to help you think about Lent, personally, and to remind others through your writing 

First Week of Lent - March 13 - 19, 2011 

I don't come from a background where Lenten self-denial and other observances were practiced. However, I remember the preparations for Easter Sunday at home and in church, through special plans and music. The day of Easter was a shining day, whatever the weather, and such observances in the church helped me, growing up, to be more aware of the love of God through Jesus and His life offered on the Cross for the sins of the world. This is a good time, also, to... 
Write or collect poetry, scripture verses, articles, pictures, devotions, and prayers...or other works that help you focus on this time. Lent contains the weeks leading up to Passover and Easter. The link below leads to reading for the weeks on the schedule also below. You can search on-line for readings, prayers, and meditations for your personal consideration, to share with others, or for your writing inspiration. May we go further than dipping our toes into the waters of the ocean of faith during this holy season. May we take no day or opportunity for granted, and honor the Lord. 

Lenten Bible Readings for these weeks: 
  • Week of the First Sunday in Lent (March 13 - 19) 
  • Week of the Second Sunday in Lent (March 20-26)
  • Week of the Third Sunday in Lent (March 27 - April 2)
  • Week of the Fourth Sunday in Lent (April 3 - 9)
  • Week of the Fifth Sunday in Lent (April 10 - 16)
"The word Lent comes from Anglo Saxon times which means spring.
In Latin, Lent is quadragesima which means forty days. In Greek, it is tessarakoste (fortieth), a word formed on the analogy of Pentecost (pentekoste).
"Period of Lent
The season of Lent is the period of forty days before the celebration of the great feast of the Church, Easter.
In determining this period of forty days..." read more: The Meaning of the Word "Lent"
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