Friday, April 10, 2015

Deal with Every Obstacle!

In writing as in life sometimes we forget that all problem-solving is not up to us. As Christians who write, our work is submitted to God first, and then at times we quickly begin to despair when submissions to editors or agents do not seem to get anywhere.

Like me, you may at times feel that you have been patient enough, have persevered enough, have tried and labored enough over a specific work. And still, it languishes.

The languishing may be due to more work than you think...still undone. The 20th edit may need 10 more edits to make it shine.

However, maybe you see no reason to doubt the worth or readiness of your efforts.

When I get to such a place, I tend to try to problem-solve all by myself. "God gave me a brain, and I'm going to use it!" Networking, getting advice from other writers or people that care about you, all of that can help.

However, it is too easy to become so professional that we forget those humbling times alone in prayer when we lay it all out before the Lord, rushing nothing. We realize that the high, huge, and heavy obstacle're right...too much for you or for me to handle.

It is not foolish at such times to remember: Nothing is impossible with God. It is not foolish to find every bit of scripture to remind you that He can do what no one else, no other power or principality, can do! He is God!

Believing that truth about God and relying upon it...leaning with all your weight on the wisest thing in many a circumstance. You've done all you can do. So, leave it with Him! Nothing is impossible with God! It's worth remembering and repeating.

The way He leads may astound you, causing your major concern to shrink in light of what He is doing to answer your prayers! Even, yes, things far beyond what you could ask or think.

The faithfulness of God, I have learned, is a place to seek and to serve. He is faithful to the end! We lack because we forget to trust. We even may have let our love for Jesus turn lukewarm. Oh, what a thing to realize this has happened.

Stir up the fires of your love for Jesus. Use every remembrance of His remarkable kindness and faithfulness to you, His forgiveness through the sacrifice of His own life! His love to the utmost degree, the shedding of His own blood on a cross of death. That, we must dwell in, to remember what great love the Father has for us!

That is where we want to be, abiding in Jesus and His great forgiving love, His patient love, and His redeeming love. Oh, bless the Lord, my soul, and forget not one of His benefits! The psalm writer of Psalm 103 set our example, to get ourselves over the worst obstacle...any diversion from, or fading of love for, Jesus!

Whatever you are doing today, I hope that writing is not your first love. Getting over that obstacle can open our hearts toward a better time.

I hope to encourage you, as St. Paul put it, by these words!

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