Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Caught in the Pruning

Most of us who identify ourselves as Christians are familiar with Jesus' teaching about the vine, branches, pruning, and fruitfulness. The main teaching is that Jesus is the Vine, the source of life and of fruitful eternal value. 

During Jesus' years on earth, Jews and others--including Romans of the occupation--observed and worked with, in some cases, the abundant vineyards in close proximity. Jesus Jesus used that context to teach and show a vital message.

The message is that His followers must remain with Him as closely as a vine branch attaches to the inner life of the vine. The branches draw their life from their vine, which enables them to grow stronger and produce good, abundant fruit. The continual attachment to the life of the vine gives life. 

My view as a follower of Christ is to stay close to Him and focus on the good that His teachings reveal. The more I read His words the more I can grasp the immeasurable qualities of His love and power. 

Abiding in the Vine brings a well-spring of joy that lives within as we are nourished. The fruit of that can then flow naturally and often without our awareness. Two teachings come to mind: 

Abide in Me as I abide in you.

The context is the essential Vine connection.
Do not let your right hand know what your left hand does. 

The context is to avoid, even shun, human pride due to any of our own godly works.

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