Sunday, October 10, 2010


What better job is there for a book lover?
I love what I do to develop books, which means working with authors. Every product has a person behind it, and I get to analyze authors' work, respectfully. I analyze, edit, and help shape the writing as a concept. What more could I ask for, as a writing mentor, than to help shape the writer's concept so that it reaches readers in a form that is accessible, interesting, entertaining, and meaningful?

Here are the basics I recommend, and see if these apply to you: You need, of course, outstanding grammar and composition skills of the language. also need something indefinable, something you are almost born with or have developed unintentionally. It is the something that helps you "judge" the writing, the feel of it, the voice of the writer, and what to strengthen in all of that, to reach readers that will love and appreciate the work. This analytical set of skills tells you what works and what does not. If you have this "sense," then by all means treasure, develop, and refine it. Above all, use it.  

And, Wow! What is "dumped" can be "recycled." It is not "trash," but is material better used somewhere else. I want always to help writers save all of their work that is good, whether or not it works for the book they send to me.

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