Saturday, February 11, 2012

VALENTINE'S DAY GIFTS-A (sort of) gift for you

Valentine's day countdown
Valentine's day countdown (Flickr_ Julie K in Taiwan)
Here's a pre-Valentine's Day note for you...I saw Amazon's Valentine's Day Gifts Page. There are flowers, candies, appliances(?) and lots of other stuff that give ideas. 

At our house, and in our family, we do not give gifts for this day, but are big on trying to make Every Day Count! But I do remember the schooldays, making and giving Valentine cards and notes. Fun!

This Valentine's Day, why not send a special card or note. or make a special phone call... to someone special who may not know how special they are to you...and to this world!

Have a great Valentine's Day! It's really a reminder day about giving, caring, helping, and even forgiving and other good ways among families, homes, friends at school, colleagues at work, and everyone at church, to name a few. And, it's about giving good "I love you!" "We love you!" "I'm glad we're friends!" "I'm glad we met!" "Knowing you means a lot to me!"

Jean Purcell
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1 comment:

Hank hendricks said...

Good stuff..I want to remember some of these when i need them.

gift pakistan