Thursday, February 16, 2012

Have a Writing and Marketing Plan for 2012

Plans are talked about every New Year holiday and there's a reason: we need to make them, and then we can discover what is top priority for us, one or more things or people or both. I know, we make plans without knowing if we will or can finish them, if or when they might come to fruition, if or how they might work...even with best efforts.

As Gilda Radner's character used to say, "Nevermind." he referred to incorrect information, so here we refer to doubts. Nevermind your hesitancy or doubt, but get going.

One plan could revolve around how to be on the computer less this year an"d then accomplish more anyway. "Analyze how to work smarter." That's a good goal for the first month or two of 2012. Ironically, start on the Internet to find ways to do that. If you are focusing on marketing, check out the free The Edge of Success that I wrote about on another blog.  

Jean Purcell
Opine eStore and Book Cafe

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