Sunday, December 29, 2013

Writing Bread

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Flour-loose collection of words 

Yeast-resting, kneading words to allow word power to rise

Oil-a fluid blend for cohesiveness

Salt-for fullness of taste

Those are four Ingredients I see in recipes for homemade bread.

The thought comes that bread in biblical times and on certain Jewish holidays today leaves out the yeast. There's a historical reason for that: yeast requires time to make bread rise. At Passover in Egypt, the people had to leave quickly.

The ingredient I can say the least about now is flour. It is essential, and wheat and rye come to mind.

Consider oil, a tangible element of blessing. I think of canola, sunflower, and olive, for example.

Salt with its dry savor enhances the flavor of the other elements.

I am so excited about baking my first bread and writing in new ways!

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