Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Waiting for the World to Change"

1000 Pennies for Your Thoughts - NARA - 534149
Photo credit: Wikipedia
Writing ideas fly into my thoughts, perch like sparkly, nervous little birds, and wait there. Sometimes. Other times, that does not happen. A little theme darts into mind and flashes out again, not staying long enough to develop. It flies away with barely a trace. I savored a trace recently, the words "...waiting for the world to change into a better, a more hospitable place..." (Zoe Wicomb). When I had more time, I expected, the ideas those words generated would emerge. 

When I returned to them, however, they had flown, leaving only the same trace of  someone else's words.    

When this happens, it is not as though holy writ has disappeared. Yet, missing being part of the development does leave a little trace of its own, of reminder of how fleeting thought can be. 

If we can, we expand on meaningful thoughts when they arrive in their strongest light. If we must get going, cannot stay longer due to something else drawing our attention or remembrance, then, as someone I admire says, "it is what it is."

Sparks of inspiration come. What they represent in a larger scheme is a more difficult matter to discern. When ideas fly away, we wonder:

"Did i miss something really useful or important?" 

For us writers, waiting for "a great idea" is not part of habit or practicality. Instead of the flown thoughts, we resort often to small nudges of other thoughts that lead to different places than we intended.

I've read that fiction plots and characters often do this, as if on their own. 
It takes time and work. This heartens me. Work, rather than wait.
And, when not writing, read.

Does this strike a note with you?


Source of the opening quote: South African author Zoe Wicomb, Playing in the Light: A Novel (Kindle Location page 46). Perseus Books Group. Kindle Edition.  
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