Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Another American Election and Freedom

American cultural icons, apple pie, baseball, ...
American cultural icons, apple pie, baseball, and the American flag (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Jean Purcell

The American 24/7 news is more than a cycle. It's now taken as an entrenched right for news junkies, and this can lead to mix ups, especially six months before a presidential election (congress, too, don't forget) and barely eight months before the next inaugurations.    

There is talk of founding fathers, mothers, documents, liberty, democracy, progressive, change, liberty (ditto), government, freedom, taxes, free, individual, independent, King George, "exceptionalism," change, liberty (ditto), leaders, followers, disenfranchised, dependent, independent, entitled, entitlements, freedom (ditto), transformation, boot straps, entitlement, gimme, grow up, imperfect, needy, answers, victims, improvement, racist, reviving, wealth, wealthy, freedom (ditto), caring, faith, church, economy, state, freebies, free, gimme, take this, wake up, take that, failing, succeeding, IPOs, boondoggles, pride, Armani, issues, cupcakes, liberty (ditto), vitality, democratic principles, the people, free, global, taxpayer-paid-for luxuries, security, securities, health, education, welfare...liberty (ditto)...

...the themes are many enough to cover almost infinite numbers of lines of gibberish and meaning thrown together behind bad hair, glossy hair, smiles, frowns, fear, reassurance, boldness, warnings, diatribes, accusations, disrespect, reaching out, embarrassments, arrogance, blame, defense, attack (ditto), rhetoric, oratory, hubris, and American political verbiage contracts and expands like a badly played accordion.

It is for freedom that I have set you free.

Sitting at bistro tables along Paris streets and eating various cuisines, citizens and immigrants discuss the recent French election, progressive reforms, and their latest application for a visa to the U. S. Just to see what it's like. 

An Egyptian wife asks her Egyptian husband: "Do you think we want to stay here or try to live in the United States?

"United States," he says. He's seen it all, except democracy in action. He might learn and try to take it back to his homeland or he might teach at Harvard or Berkeley, Liberty University, or Georgetown. 

He too has dreams, one for himself and his family and one for his country. They are like the same dream. Right now, back home it's a nightmare and his brother in Syria is trying to get out of there, too. 

A recent college graduate in New York City is remembering something he heard not that long ago, a truly emotional monologue about loving America. He cannot decide whether to love it or take advantage of it, to serve or to make lots of money through 21-hour work days or to try to do both.

His friend and former classmate talks about the basic founding principles of this country, human value and freedom...but she's as worried as he is about the future. 
It is for freedom that I have set you free.
"You know what?" she asks him one day over pizza, "I can tell now the difference between someone who says they love this country, and means it, and someone who says the words with tones and facial expressions that don't ring true."

When she says that a documentary on Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, President Reagan, and a speech by Condi Rice influenced her significantly, he listens, unless they're with other friends, when he laughs nervously. And he's not sure who Sen. Moynihan is or was, but maybe a Democrat.

Sometimes she goes on and on. "I read that in the USSR during the Cold War years a man went up to an American trying to fit in on Moscow streets, and whispered, 'You are from America?'" And the American said, 'How do you know?' 'Because you walk free,' came the answer, and then the man was gone as quickly as he had appeared. Fear of the eyes and ears of KGB and other watchers was palpable, the article said."     

The young American listens to her. He knows that some people speak emotionally, in heartfelt tones, about "America," "God-given freedom," and America's founders' documents "intended to defend, enshrine, and guard the new nation for generations to come." Talk radio jockeys ride the tide and go on and on about the Declaration of Independence ("July 4, 1776"), and the Constitution of the United States "(September 17, 1787"), and the U. S. Bill of Rights, "ratified December 15, 1791 by three-fourths of the States of that time," according to one.

One says, "In fifteen years--a short time, when you think about it--of conflict, turmoil, oppression, and longing to determine their own futures, they came together for one purpose, an experiment in freedom untried anywhere in the world up to then, an experiment they wanted to make last!" 

Others say, "Yes, I know all of that, but...." Some laugh over such "patriotic regurgitation," as they call it: "This is the 21st century, for cryin' out loud! We have bigger fish to fry! Let's move on!"

It is for freedom that I have set you free.

Some words and arguments (cases, debates) sound more intelligent than others to some hearers, while others scoff at them. "Who will 'cave' first?" 

"When will this election finally be over?" many ask, wondering if they will vote at all.

"Who's running anyway? What's one vote?"

"Yeah, I've got bigger fish to fry, like finding a job, getting my own place...."

"We'll push our lobbying firm to increase their pressure soon," some corporate types resolve after meeting with an important government contracts client.
A short reading list

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